Heat Pump

This example describes a home heating system that involves the optimal control of a small heat pump coupled to a floor heating system. The corresponding dynamic model is introduced in [LHDI10] and is given by

\begin{align} \dot{x_1} &= \dfrac{-k_{WR}}{\rho_W c_W V_H}x_1 + \dfrac{k_{WR}}{\rho_W c_W V_H}x_2 + \dfrac{1}{\rho_W c_W V_H}u\\ \dot{x_2}&= \dfrac{k_{WR}}{k_G \tau_G}x_1 -\dfrac{k_{WR}+k_G}{k_G\tau_G}x_2 +\dfrac{1}{\tau_G} T_{\text{amb}}, \end{align}

where \(x_1\) denotes the temperature of the water returning from the heating, \(x_2\) denotes the room temperature and \(u\) is the heat supplied from the heat pump to the floor. Further, the ambient temperature

\[T_\text{amb}(t) = 2.5 + 7.5 \sin\left(\frac{2\pi t}{t_f}-\frac \pi 2\right)\]

describes a sinusoidal disturbance from the outside temperature where \(t_f = 24\). The remaining constants are summarized in the table below.

Reactor constants



density of the water




specific heat capacity of water




volume of the water




thermal conductivity between water and the room




thermal conductivity between the room and the environment




thermal time constant of the room




First, we have to implement the outside temperature in the code to define our system dynamics.

t_f = 24
def T_amb(t):
 return 2.5 + 7.5*nmpyc.sin((2*nmpyc.pi*t)/t_f - (nmpyc.pi/2))

After that, we can define the right hand side of the system by

rho_W = 997
c_W = 4.1851
V_H = 7.4
k_WR = 510
k_G = 125
thau_G = 260
def f(t,x,u):
   y = nmpyc.array(2)
   y[0] = (-k_WR/(rho_W*c_W*V_H)*x[0]
            + k_WR/(rho_W*c_W*V_H)*x[1]
            + 1/(rho_W*c_W*V_H)*u[0])
   y[1] = (k_WR/(k_G*thau_G)*x[0]
            - (k_WR + k_G)/(k_G*thau_G)*x[1]
            + (1/thau_G)*T_amb(t))
   return y

And finally initialize the system by

system = nmpyc.system(f, 2, 1, 'continuous', sampling_rate=0.5, method='euler')

In the heating system the conflict between energy and thermal comfort arises. Thus, the stage cost reads

\begin{align*} \ell(x,u)&=\frac u P_{\max} + (x_2-T_\text{ref})^2, \end{align*}

where \(P_{\max} = 15000 (W)\) is the maximal power of the heating pump and \(T_\text{ref} = 22^{\circ} C\) is the desired temperature of the room. The reference temperature \(T_\text{ref}\) can be selected differently – depending on the individual thermal comfort.

According to this we can initialize our objective by

P_max = 15000
T_ref = 22
def l(x,u):
   return (u[0]/P_max) + (x[1]-T_ref)**2

and implement the control constraint

\[0 \leq u(t) \leq P_{max}\]


constraints = nmpyc.constraints()
constraints.add_bound('lower', 'control', nmpyc.array([0]))
constraints.add_bound('upper', 'control', nmpyc.array([P_max]))

After all components of the optimal control problem have been implemented, we can now combine them into a model and start the MPC loop. For this purpose, we define

\[x(0) = (22, 19.5)^T\]

and set \(N=30\) and \(K=500\).

model = nmpyc.model(objective,system,constraints)
x0 = nmpyc.array([22., 19.5])
res = model.nmpyc(x0,N,K)

Following the simulation we can visualize the results by calling


which generates the plot bellow.
