Source code for nmpyc.nmpyc_array

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Author: Jonas Schiessl

Module for array definition and computation.

This module provides an array class and associated functions for 
corresponding matrix calculations.

The goal of this class and the individual functions is to enable 
compatibility of calculations with both casadi and numpy objects 
without changing the syntax of the program. 
This enables the user to program as easily as possible and at 
the same time to switch between symbolic and numeric calculation.
import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg as LA
import casadi as cas

# Constants
inf = np.inf
"""float : Constant to define infinity."""
pi = np.pi
"""float : Constant to define the number pi."""

[docs] class array: """ Class used to save arrays with symbolic or numeric values. The symbolic entries are provided by CasADi and will be transformed automatically to numeric values of numpy type if it is posiible. Parameters --------- dim : int, tuple, cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM, list or numpy.ndarray, optional Dimension of which an empty array is created or object from which the entries and dimension are copied. The default is 0. """ def __init__(self, dim=0): if isinstance(dim, int): self._dim = (dim, 1) elif isinstance(dim, float): if (dim).is_integer(): self._dim = (int(dim), 1) else: raise ValueError('dimensions must be integers') elif isinstance(dim, tuple): if (not isinstance(dim[0], (int, float)) or not isinstance(dim[1], (int, float))): raise ValueError('dimension must be tupel of integers') if isinstance(dim[0], float) and not (dim[0]).is_integer(): raise ValueError('dimension must be tupel of integers') if isinstance(dim[1], float) and not (dim[1]).is_integer(): raise ValueError('dimension must be tupel of integers') self._dim = dim else: self._dim = (0,0) if self._dim[0]<0 or self._dim[1]<0: raise ValueError('negativ dimensions are not allowed') self._A = np.zeros(self._dim) self._casadi = False if isinstance(dim, (np.ndarray, cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM, array, list)): self._copy(dim) else: if not isinstance(dim, (int, float, tuple)): raise TypeError( 'input parameter must be of type' + ' int, tuple, list, numpy.ndarray,' + ' casadi.MX, casadi.SX or casadi.DX - not ' + str(type(dim))) if not len(self._dim) == 2: raise ValueError('only two dimesnions are allowed') @property def A(self): """ casadi.MX or numpy.array : Array containing all entries.""" try: AA = np.array(cas.evalf(self._A)) return AA except: return self._A @property def dim(self): """tuple : Dimension of the array.""" return self._dim @property def symbolic(self): """bool : True if array has symbolic entries, False otherwise.""" return self._casadi @property def T(self): """array : Transposed array.""" return self.transpose() def __str__(self): return str(self._A) def __len__(self): if self._casadi: return self._A.shape()[1] else: return len(self._A) def __neg__(self): C = array(-self._A) return C def __pos__(self): C = array(-self._A) return C def __abs__(self): return abs(self) def __int__(self): C = int(self._A) return C def __float__(self): C = float(self._A) return C def __add__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, (array, np.ndarray, cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM, int, float)): raise TypeError( 'input parameter must be of type' + ' array, int, float, numpy.ndarray,' + ' casadi.MX, casadi.SX or casadi.DX - not ' + str(type(other))) C = array(self._dim) if isinstance(other, array): if self._dim != other._dim: raise ValueError( 'arrays must have the same dimensions. ' + str(self._dim) + ' != ' + str(other._dim)) other = other._A if isinstance(other, np.ndarray) and len(other.shape) == 1: if self._dim[0] == 1: other = np.reshape(other,(self._dim[0],other.shape[0])) elif self._dim[1] == 1: other = np.reshape(other,(other.shape[0],self._dim[1])) else: raise ValueError( 'arrays must have the same dimensions. ' + str(self._dim) + ' != ' + str(other.shape)) C._A = self._A + other try: C._A = np.array(cas.evalf(C._A)) except: C._casadi = True return C def __radd__(self, other): return self.__add__(other) def __sub__(self, other): return(self.__add__((-other))) def __rsub__(self, other): return -(self.__sub__(other)) def __mul__(self,other): if not isinstance(other, (array, np.ndarray, cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM, int, float)): raise TypeError( 'input parameter must be of type' + ' array, int, float, numpy.ndarray,' + ' casadi.MX, casadi.SX or casadi.DX - not ' + str(type(other))) C = array(self._dim) if isinstance(other, np.ndarray) and len(other.shape) == 1: if self._dim[0] == 1: other = np.reshape(other,(1, other.shape[0])) elif self._dim[1] == 1: other = np.reshape(other, (other.shape[0], 1)) else: raise ValueError( 'arrays must have the same dimensions. ' + str(self._dim) + ' != ' + str(other.shape)) C._A = self._A * other try: C._A = np.array(cas.evalf(C._A)) except: C._casadi = True return C def __rmul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, (int, float)): return self.__mul__(other) def __matmul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, array): if self._dim[1] != other._dim[0]: raise ValueError( 'inner dimensions are note the same - ' + str(self._dim[1]) + '!=' + str(other._dim[0])) dim = (self._dim[0], other._dim[1]) other = other._A elif isinstance(other, np.ndarray): if len(other.shape) == 1: dim = (self._dim[0], 1) other = np.reshape(other, (other.shape[0], 1)) else: dim = (self._dim[0], other.shape[1]) if self._dim[1] != other.shape[0]: raise ValueError( 'inner dimensions are note the same - ' + str(self._dim[1]) + '!=' + str(other.shape[0])) elif isinstance(other, (cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM)): if self._dim[1] != other.size()[0]: raise ValueError( 'inner dimensions are note the same - ' + str(self._dim[1]) + '!=' + str(other.size()[0])) dim = (self._dim[0], other.size()[1]) else: raise TypeError( 'input parameter must be of type ' + 'array, numpy.ndarray, ' + 'casadi.MX, casadi.SX or casadi.DX - not ' + str(type(other))) C = array(dim) C._A = self._A @ other try: C._A = np.array(cas.evalf(C._A)) except: C._casadi = True return C def __rmatmul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, array): if self._dim[0] != other._dim[0]: raise ValueError( 'inner dimensions are note the same - ' + str(self._dim[0]) + '!=' + str(other._dim[1])) dim = (other._dim[0], self._dim[1]) other = other._A elif isinstance(other, np.ndarray): if len(other.shape) == 1: dim = (1, self._dim[1]) other = np.reshape(other, (1, other.shape[1])) else: dim = (other.shape[0], self._dim[1]) if self._dim[0] != other.shape[1]: raise ValueError( 'inner dimensions are note the same - ' + str(self._dim[0]) + '!=' + str(other.shape[1])) elif isinstance(other, (cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM)): if self._dim[0] != other.size()[1]: raise ValueError( 'inner dimensions are note the same - ' + str(self._dim[0]) + '!=' + str(other.size()[1])) dim = (other.size()[0], self._dim[1]) else: raise TypeError( 'input parameter must be of type' + ' array, numpy.ndarray,' + ' casadi.MX, casadi.SX or casadi.DX - not ' + str(type(other))) C = array(dim) C._A = other @ self._A try: C._A = np.array(cas.evalf(C._A)) except: C._casadi = True return C def __pow__(self, n): if not isinstance(n, (int, float)): raise TypeError( 'input parameter must be of type integer or float - not ' + str(type(n))) return array(self._A**n) def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, (int, slice)): key = (key,0) try: range(self._dim[0])[key[0]] except: raise IndexError('Index one is out of range: ' + str(key[0]) + ' not in range [0,' + str(self._dim[0]-1) + ']') try: range(self._dim[1])[key[1]] except: raise IndexError('Index one is out of range: ' + str(key[1]) + ' not in range [0,' + str(self._dim[1]-1) + ']') if isinstance(key,tuple): if len(key) != 2: raise ValueError( 'input parameter of type tuple has to be two dimensional') if (not isinstance(key[0], (int, slice)) or not isinstance(key[1], (int, slice))): raise TypeError( 'input parameter must be of type integer or' + ' tuple of integers or slices') y = self._A[key[0],key[1]] if np.isscalar(y): return y elif isinstance(y, (cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM)) and y.is_scalar(): try: y = float(cas.evalf(y)) except: None return y return array(y) else: raise TypeError( 'input parameter must be of type integer or tuple - not ' + str(type(key))) def __setitem__(self, key, value): if not isinstance(value, (array, np.ndarray, cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM, int, float, np.int64)): raise TypeError( 'input parameter must be of type' + ' array int, float, numpy.ndarray,' + ' casadi.MX, casadi.SX or casadi.DX - not ' + str(type(value))) if isinstance(key, int): key = (key,0) try: range(self._dim[0])[key[0]] except: raise IndexError('Index one is out of range: ' + str(key[0]) + ' not in range [0,' + str(self._dim[0]-1) + ']') try: range(self._dim[1])[key[1]] except: raise IndexError('Index one is out of range: ' + str(key[1]) + ' not in range [0,' + str(self._dim[1]-1) + ']') if isinstance(value, array): value = value._A if isinstance(key,tuple): if len(key) != 2: raise ValueError( 'key of type tuple has to be two dimensional') if (not isinstance(key[0], (int, slice)) or not isinstance(key[1], (int, slice))): raise TypeError( 'key must be of type integer or' + ' tuple of integers or slices') else: raise TypeError( 'key must be of type integer or tuple - not ' + str(type(key))) if np.isscalar(value): value = float(value) elif (isinstance(value, (cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM)) and value.is_scalar()): try: value = float(cas.evalf(value)) except: if self._casadi == False: self._A = cas.MX(self._A) self._casadi = True else: if self._casadi == False: self._A = cas.MX(self._A) self._casadi = True try: self._A[key[0],key[1]] = value except: self._A[key[0],key[1]] = value.flatten() try: self._A = np.array(cas.evalf(self._A)) self._casadi = False except: self._casadi = True def _copy(self, other): """Creats a new array object out of a casadi, numpy or array object. Parameters ---------- other : array, casadi.MX, casadi.SX, casadi.DM, list or numpy.ndarray Object from which the array is created. """ if isinstance(other, array): if isinstance(other._A, np.ndarray): self._A = other._A else: self._A = other._A self._dim = other._dim self._casadi = other._casadi elif isinstance(other, np.ndarray): if len(other.shape) == 1: self._dim = (other.shape[0], 1) self._A = np.reshape(other, self._dim) else: self._dim = other.shape self._A = other self._casadi = False elif isinstance(other, (cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM)): self._dim = other.size() self._A = other try: self._A = np.array(cas.evalf(self._A)) self._casadi = False except: self._casadi = True elif isinstance(other, list): if len(np.shape(other)) == 1: self._dim = (np.shape(other)[0], 1) other_ = [] for i in range(self._dim[0]): other_ += [[other[i]]] other = other_ else: self._dim = np.shape(other) try: self._A = np.array(other) self._casadi = False except: self._A = cas.vertcat(*[cas.horzcat(*row) for row in other]) self._casadi = True else: raise TypeError( 'input parameter must be of type array, list, numpy.ndarray,' + ' casadi.DM or casadi.SX, casadi.MX - not ' + str(type(other))) def fill(self, a): """Fill all entries with one value. Parameters ---------- a : int or float Value that all entries should take. """ if isinstance(a, (float, int)): self._A = np.ones(self._dim)*a self._casadi = False else: raise TypeError( 'input paramter must be of type integer or float - not ' + str(type(a))) def flatten(self): """Flat array to one dimension. Returns ------- y : array Flatten array with dimension (1,n). """ y = array(self._A) dim2 = y._dim[0]*y._dim[1] dim1 = 1 y._dim = (dim1,dim2) if isinstance(y._A, np.ndarray): y._A = np.reshape(y._A, y._dim) if isinstance(y._A, (cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM)): y._A = cas.reshape(y._A, y._dim) return y def transpose(self): """Transpose array. Returns ------- y : array Transposed array. """ y = array(self) dim2 = y._dim[0] dim1 = y._dim[1] y._dim = (dim1,dim2) if isinstance(y._A, np.ndarray): y._A = y._A.T elif isinstance(y._A, (cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM)): y._A = cas.transpose(y._A) return y
[docs] def reshape(a, new_size): """Reshape an array to a new size. Parameters ---------- a : array . new_size : tuple New shape. Returns ------- array An array instance with the new shape. """ if not isinstance(new_size, tuple): raise TypeError( 'new_size must be tuple - not ' + str(type(new_size))) if not isinstance(new_size[0], int) or not isinstance(new_size[1], int): raise TypeError('new_size must be tuple of inegers') if not len(new_size) == 2: raise TypeError('new_size must be two dimensional') if isinstance(a, array): a = a._A else: raise TypeError( 'input paramter a must be of type array,- not ' + str(type(a))) if isinstance(a, np.ndarray): A = np.reshape(a,new_size) elif isinstance(a, (cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM)): A = cas.reshape(a, new_size) return array(A)
[docs] def convert(a, dtype='auto'): """Convert a numpy-, casadi- or nMPyC-array to another of these intances. Parameters ---------- a : array, cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM or numpy.ndarray Array which should be converted. dtype : str, optional Name of the class to which the array will be converted. The default is 'auto'. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray, cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM The converted object. """ if not isinstance(dtype, str): raise TypeError('dtype must be a string - not ' + str(type(dtype))) if dtype not in ['auto', 'numpy', 'casadi.DM', 'casadi.SX', 'casadi.MX']: raise ValueError('can not convert array to ' + dtype) if isinstance(a, array): a = a._A if isinstance(a, np.ndarray): if dtype == 'numpy': return a elif dtype == 'casadi.DM': return cas.DM(a) elif dtype == 'casadi.SX': return cas.SX(a) elif dtype == 'casadi.MX': return cas.MX(a) else: return a elif isinstance(a, cas.DM): if dtype == 'numpy': return np.array(a) elif dtype == 'casadi.DM': return a elif dtype == 'casadi.SX': return cas.SX(a) elif dtype == 'casadi.MX': return cas.MX(a) else: return a elif isinstance(a, cas.SX): if dtype == 'numpy': return np.array(cas.evalf(a)) elif dtype == 'casadi.DM': return cas.evalf(a) elif dtype == 'casadi.SX': return a elif dtype == 'casadi.MX': return cas.MX(a) else: return a elif isinstance(a, cas.MX): if dtype == 'numpy': return np.array(cas.evalf(a)) elif dtype == 'casadi.DM': return cas.evalf(a) elif dtype == 'casadi.SX': return cas.SX(cas.evalf(a)) elif dtype == 'casadi.MX': return a else: return a else: raise TypeError( 'input parameter a must be of type array, numpy.ndarray,' + ' casadi.DM, casadi.SX or casadi.MX - not ' + str(type(a))) return a
[docs] def concatenate(arrays, axis = 0): """Join a sequence of arrays along an existing axis. Parameters ---------- arrays : tuple of casadi.MX, casadi.SX, casadi.DM or numpy.ndarrays Sequence of arrays which will be concatenated. The arrays must have the same shape, except in the dimension corresponding to axis. axis : int, optional The axis along which the arrays will be joined. The default is 0. Returns ------- array The concatenated array. """ casadi = False if not isinstance(arrays, tuple): raise TypeError( 'arrays hmust be of type tuple - not ' + str(type(arrays))) if not isinstance(axis, int): raise TypeError('axis must be an integer - not ' + str(type(axis))) array_list = [] for i in range(len(arrays)): if isinstance(arrays[i], array): array_list += [arrays[i].A] else: array_list += [arrays[i]] if isinstance(array_list[i], (cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM)): casadi = True elif not isinstance(array_list[i], np.ndarray): raise ValueError( 'The elements of the arrays sequence must be of type array,' + ' casadi.MX, casadi.SX, casadi.DM or numpy.ndarray - not ' + str(type(arrays[i]))) arrays = tuple(array_list) if axis == 0: if casadi: return array(cas.vertcat(*arrays)) else: return array(np.concatenate(arrays, axis=0)) elif axis == 1: if casadi: return array(cas.horzcat(*arrays)) else: return array(np.concatenate(arrays, axis=1)) else: raise ValueError( 'axis must be 0 (first axis) or 1 (second axis) - not ' + str(axis))
[docs] def eye(dim): """Creates an array defining the idendity. Parameters ---------- dim : int Dimnension of the idendity matrix. Raises ------ ValueError If the given dimension is not supported. TypeError If an input parameter has not the right type. Returns ------- y : array Idendity matrix as an instance of array. """ if isinstance(dim, int): if dim <= 0: raise ValueError('dimension must be graeter than zero') else: raise TypeError( 'dimension must be an integer - not ' + str(type(dim))) y = array((dim, dim)) y._A = np.eye(dim) return y
[docs] def zeros(dim): """Creates an array with only zero entries. Parameters ---------- dim : int or tuple Dimension of the array. Raises ------ ValueError If the given dimension is not supported. TypeError If the given dimension has not the right type. Returns ------- y : array An array of the given dimension with only zero entries. """ if isinstance(dim, int): None elif isinstance(dim, tuple): if len(dim) != 2: raise ValueError('dim must be two dimensional') if not isinstance(dim[0], int) or not isinstance(dim[0], int): raise TypeError('dimension must be tuple of integers') if dim[0] <= 0 or dim[1] <= 0: raise ValueError('dimension must be graeter than zero') else: raise TypeError( 'dimension must be an integer or tuple - not ' + str(type(dim))) y = array(dim) return y
[docs] def ones(dim): """Creates an array with only entries equal to one. Parameters ---------- dim : int or tuple Dimension of the array. Raises ------ ValueError If the given dimension is not supported. TypeError If the given dimension has not the right type. Returns ------- y : array An array of the given dimension with only entries equal to one. """ if isinstance(dim, int): None elif isinstance(dim, tuple): if len(dim) != 2: raise ValueError('dim must be two dimensional') if not isinstance(dim[0], int) or not isinstance(dim[0], int): raise TypeError('dimension must be tuple of integers') if dim[0] <= 0 or dim[1] <= 0: raise ValueError('dimension must be graeter than zero') else: raise TypeError( 'dimension must be an integer or tuple - not ' + str(type(dim))) y = array(dim) y.fill(1) return y
[docs] def diag(x): """Creates an diagonal matrix from a given vector. Parameters ---------- x : array, numpy.ndarray, cas.MX, cas.SX or cas.DX, list Vector containing the diagonal entries of the matrix. Returns ------- array Diagonal matrix with the desired diagonal elements. """ if isinstance(x, array): x_ = x._A else: x_ = x if isinstance(x_, (np.ndarray)): y = np.diag(x_) elif isinstance(x_, (cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM, list)): y = cas.diag(x_) else: raise TypeError( 'input must be of type array, numpy.ndarray, list,' + ' casadi.DM, casadi.SX or casadi.MX - not ' + str(type(x))) return array(y)
[docs] def log(x): """Calculates the natural logarithm of a given number or array""" if isinstance(x, array): x_ = x._A else: x_ = x if isinstance(x_, (int,float,np.ndarray)): y = np.log(x_) elif isinstance(x_, (cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM)): y = cas.log(x_) else: raise TypeError( 'input must be of type integer, float, array, numpy.ndarray,' + ' casadi.DM, casadi.SX or casadi.MX - not ' + str(type(x))) if isinstance(x, array): y = array(y) return y
[docs] def exp(x): """Calculates the exponential of a given number or array""" if isinstance(x, array): x_ = x._A else: x_ = x if isinstance(x_, (int, float, np.ndarray)): y = np.exp(x_) elif isinstance(x_, (cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM)): y = cas.exp(x_) else: raise TypeError( 'input must be of type integer, float, array, numpy.ndarray,' + ' casadi.DM, casadi.SX or casadi.MX - not ' + str(type(x))) if isinstance(x, array): y = array(y) return y
[docs] def sin(x): """Calculates the sinus of a given number or array""" if isinstance(x, array): x_ = x._A else: x_ = x if isinstance(x_, (int, float, np.ndarray)): y = np.sin(x_) elif isinstance(x_, (cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM)): y = cas.sin(x_) else: raise TypeError( 'input must be of type integer, float, array, numpy.ndarray,' + ' casadi.DM, casadi.SX or casadi.MX - not ' + str(type(x))) if isinstance(x, array): y = array(y) return y
[docs] def sinh(x): """Calculates the sinus hyperbolicus of a given number or array""" if isinstance(x, array): x_ = x._A else: x_ = x if isinstance(x_, (int, float, np.ndarray)): y = np.sinh(x_) elif isinstance(x_, (cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM)): y = cas.sinh(x_) else: raise TypeError( 'input must be of type integer, float, array, numpy.ndarray,' + ' casadi.DM, casadi.SX or casadi.MX - not ' + str(type(x))) if isinstance(x, array): y = array(y) return y
[docs] def arcsin(x): """Calculates the arcussinus of a given number or array""" if isinstance(x, array): x_ = x._A else: x_ = x if isinstance(x_, (int, float, np.ndarray)): y = np.arcsin(x_) elif isinstance(x_, (cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM)): y = cas.arcsin(x_) else: raise TypeError( 'input must be of type integer, float, array, numpy.ndarray,' + ' casadi.DM, casadi.SX or casadi.MX - not ' + str(type(x))) if isinstance(x, array): y = array(y) return y
[docs] def arcsinh(x): """Calculates the arcussinus hyperbolicus of a given number or array""" if isinstance(x, array): x_ = x._A else: x_ = x if isinstance(x_, (int, float, np.ndarray)): y = np.arcsinh(x_) elif isinstance(x_, (cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM)): y = cas.arcsinh(x_) else: raise TypeError( 'input must be of type integer, float, array, numpy.ndarray,' + ' casadi.DM, casadi.SX or casadi.MX - not ' + str(type(x))) if isinstance(x, array): y = array(y) return y
[docs] def cos(x): """Calculates the cosinus of a given number or array""" if isinstance(x, array): x_ = x._A else: x_ = x if isinstance(x_, (int, float, np.ndarray)): y = np.cos(x_) elif isinstance(x_, (cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM)): y = cas.cos(x_) else: raise TypeError( 'input must be of type integer, float, array, numpy.ndarray,' + ' casadi.DM, casadi.SX or casadi.MX - not ' + str(type(x))) if isinstance(x, array): y = array(y) return y
[docs] def cosh(x): """Calculates the cosinus hyperbolicus of a given number or array""" if isinstance(x, array): x_ = x._A else: x_ = x if isinstance(x_, (int, float, np.ndarray)): y = np.cosh(x_) elif isinstance(x_, (cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM)): y = cas.cosh(x_) else: raise TypeError( 'input must be of type integer, float, array, numpy.ndarray,' + ' casadi.DM, casadi.SX or casadi.MX - not ' + str(type(x))) if isinstance(x, array): y = array(y) return y
[docs] def arccos(x): """Calculates the arcuscosinus of a given number or array""" if isinstance(x, array): x_ = x._A else: x_ = x if isinstance(x_, (int, float, np.ndarray)): y = np.arccos(x_) elif isinstance(x_, (cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM)): y = cas.arccos(x_) else: raise TypeError( 'input must be of type integer, float, array, numpy.ndarray,' + ' casadi.DM, casadi.SX or casadi.MX - not ' + str(type(x))) if isinstance(x, array): y = array(y) return y
[docs] def arccosh(x): """Calculates the arcuscosinus hypernolicus of a given number or array""" if isinstance(x, array): x_ = x._A else: x_ = x if isinstance(x_, (int, float, np.ndarray)): y = np.arccosh(x_) elif isinstance(x_, (cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM)): y = cas.arccosh(x_) else: raise TypeError( 'input must be of type integer, float, array, numpy.ndarray,' + ' casadi.DM, casadi.SX or casadi.MX - not ' + str(type(x))) if isinstance(x, array): y = array(y) return y
[docs] def tan(x): """Calculates the tangens of a given number or array""" if isinstance(x, array): x_ = x._A else: x_ = x if isinstance(x_, (int, float, np.ndarray)): y = np.tan(x_) elif isinstance(x_, (cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM)): y = cas.tan(x_) else: raise TypeError( 'input must be of type integer, float, array, numpy.ndarray,' + ' casadi.DM, casadi.SX or casadi.MX - not ' + str(type(x))) if isinstance(x, array): y = array(y) return y
[docs] def tanh(x): """Calculates the tangens hyperblicus of a given number or array""" if isinstance(x, array): x_ = x._A else: x_ = x if isinstance(x_, (int, float, np.ndarray)): y = np.tan(x_) elif isinstance(x_, (cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM)): y = cas.tan(x_) else: raise TypeError( 'input must be of type integer, float, array, numpy.ndarray,' + ' casadi.DM, casadi.SX or casadi.MX - not ' + str(type(x))) if isinstance(x, array): y = array(y) return y
[docs] def arctan(x): """Calculates the arcustangens of a given number or array""" if isinstance(x, array): x_ = x._A else: x_ = x if isinstance(x_, (int, float, np.ndarray)): y = np.arctan(x_) elif isinstance(x_, (cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM)): y = cas.arctan(x_) else: raise TypeError( 'input must be of type integer, float, array, numpy.ndarray,' + ' casadi.DM, casadi.SX or casadi.MX - not ' + str(type(x))) if isinstance(x, array): y = array(y) return y
[docs] def arctanh(x): """Calculates the arcustangens hyperbolicus of a given number or array""" if isinstance(x, array): x_ = x._A else: x_ = x if isinstance(x_, (int, float, np.ndarray)): y = np.arctanh(x_) elif isinstance(x_, (cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM)): y = cas.arctanh(x_) else: raise TypeError( 'input must be of type integer, float, array, numpy.ndarray,' + ' casadi.DM, casadi.SX or casadi.MX - not ' + str(type(x))) if isinstance(x, array): y = array(y) return y
[docs] def sqrt(x): """Calculates the square root of a given number or array""" if isinstance(x, array): x_ = x._A else: x_ = x if isinstance(x_, (int, float, np.ndarray)): y = np.sqrt(x_) elif isinstance(x_, (cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM)): y = cas.sqrt(x_) else: raise TypeError( 'input must be of type integer, float, array, numpy.ndarray,' + ' casadi.DM, casadi.SX or casadi.MX - not ' + str(type(x))) if isinstance(x, array): y = array(y) return y
[docs] def power(x,n): """Calculates the (elementwise) n-th power of a number or array. Parameters ---------- x : int, float, numpy.ndarray, cas.MS, cas.SX or cas.DM Number or array of which the n-th power should be computed. n : int or float Number defining the exponent. """ if not isinstance(n, (int, float)): raise TypeError( 'input n must be of type integer or float - not ' + str(type(n))) if isinstance(x, array): x_ = x._A else: x_ = x if isinstance(x_, (int, float, np.ndarray)): y = np.power(x_,n) elif isinstance(x_, (cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM)): y = cas.power(x_,n) else: raise TypeError( 'input x must be of type integer, float, array, numpy.ndarray,' + ' casadi.DM, casadi.SX or casadi.MX - not ' + str(type(x))) if isinstance(x, array): y = array(y) return y
[docs] def matrix_power(x,n): """Raises a square matrix to the n-th power. Parameters ---------- x : int, float, numpy.ndarray, cas.MS, cas.SX or cas.DM Number or array of which the n-th power should be computed. n : int or float Number defining the exponent. """ if not isinstance(n, (int, float)): raise TypeError( 'input n must be of type integer or float - not ' + str(type(n))) if isinstance(x, array): x_ = x._A else: x_ = x if isinstance(x_, (np.ndarray)): y = np.linalg.matrix_power(x_,n) elif isinstance(x_, (cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM)): y = cas.mpower(x_,n) else: raise TypeError( 'input x must be of type integer, float, array, numpy.ndarray,' + ' casadi.DM, casadi.SX or casadi.MX - not ' + str(type(x))) if isinstance(x, array): y = array(y) return y
[docs] def abs(x): """Calculates the absolute value of a number or array.""" if isinstance(x, array): x_ = x._A else: x_ = x if isinstance(x_, (int, float, np.ndarray)): y = np.absolute(x_) elif isinstance(x_, (cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM)): y = cas.fabs(x_) else: raise TypeError( 'input must be of type integer, float, array, numpy.ndarray,' + ' casadi.DM, casadi.SX or casadi.MX - not ' + str(type(x))) if isinstance(x, array): y = array(y) return y
[docs] def norm(x,order=None): """Returns the norm of a vector or matrix. Parameters ---------- x : array, numpy.ndarray, cas.MX, cas.SX or cas.DM Vector or matrix of which the norm should be calculated. order : number or str, optional String defining the type of the norm. Posiible values are 1, 2, 'fro' or 'inf'. The default is None. """ if order is not None and order not in [1,2,'fro',inf]: raise ValueError( 'order must be one 1,2, fro or inf - not ' + str(order)) if isinstance(x, array): x_ = x._A else: x_ = x if isinstance(x_, (np.ndarray)): y = LA.norm(x_,order) elif isinstance(x_, (cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM)): if order == 1: y = cas.norm_1(x_) elif order == 2: y = cas.norm_2(x_) elif order == 'fro': y = cas.norm_fro(x_) elif order == inf: y = cas.norm_inf(x_) else: raise TypeError( 'input must be of type array, numpy.ndarray,' + ' casadi.DM, casadi.SX or casadi.MX - not ' + str(type(x))) return y
[docs] def max(*args): """Return the maximal value of the arguments""" for i in range(len(args)): if isinstance(args[i], array): args[i] = args[i]._A if not isinstance(args[i], (int, float, np.ndarray, cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM)): raise TypeError( 'input must be of type integer, float, array, numpy.ndarray,' + ' casadi.DM, casadi.SX or casadi.MX - not ' + str(type(args[i]))) return cas.fmax(*args)
[docs] def min(*args): """Returns the minimal value of the arguments""" for i in range(len(args)): if isinstance(args[i], array): args[i] = args[i]._A if not isinstance(args[i], (int, float, np.ndarray, cas.MX, cas.SX, cas.DM)): raise TypeError( 'input must be of type integer, float, array, numpy.ndarray,' + ' casadi.DM, casadi.SX or casadi.MX - not ' + str(type(args[i]))) return cas.fmin(*args)
if __name__ == '__main__': # a = np.array((1,2,3)) # a = cas.DM((3,3)) # print(a[:,0]) # a = array(a) # a[:,0] = np.array([[2,2]]) # print(a) # print(a[:,0]) # b = concatenate((a,a)) # print(b) # b = concatenate((a,a),axis=1) # print(b) # print(array.__doc__) A = zeros(10) print(A[10])