Source code for nmpyc.system

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# @author: Jonas Schiessl

import casadi as cas

from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp

from inspect import signature
import dill

import nmpyc as mpc
from nmpyc.utils import mpc_convert

[docs] class system: """ A class used to define the system dynamics of an optimal control problem. The dynamics can be discrete or continuous. A discrete system is defined by a difference equation .. math:: x(t_{k+1}) = f(t_k,x(t_k),u(t_k)) and a continous system is defined by the ordinary differential equation .. math:: \dot{x}(t_k)=f(t_k,x(t_k),u(t_k))). In the letter case the differential equation will be discretized by a choosen integration method. Parameters ---------- f : callable Function defining the right hand side of the system dynamics of the form :math:`f(t,x,u)` or :math:`f(x,u)` in the :py:attr:`~autonomous` case. See also :py:attr:`~f`. nx : int Dimension of the state. Must be a positive integer. See also :py:attr:`~nx`. nu : int Dimension of the control. Must be a positive integer. See also :py:attr:`~nu`. system_type : str, optional String defining if the given system dynamics are discrete or continuous. The default is 'discrete'. sampling_rate : float, optional Sampling rate defining at which time instances the dynamics are evaluated. The default is 1. t0 : float, optional Initial time for the optimal control problem. The default is 0. See also :py:attr:`~t0`. method : str, optional String defining which integration method should be used to discretize the system dynamics. The default is 'cvodes'. For further informations about the provided integrators see :py:attr:`~method`. """ def __init__(self, f, nx, nu, system_type='discrete', sampling_rate=1., t0=0., method='cvodes'): self._options = {} self._type = 'NLP' self.f = f self.system_type = system_type self.h = sampling_rate self.t0 = t0 self.nx = nx = nu self.method = method if self._type == 'LQP' and self._system_type == 'continuous': if self._method in ['rk4', 'euler', 'heun']: self._A = self._f[0] self._B = self._f[1] self._discretizeLQP() else: A = self._f[0] B = self._f[1] self._f = lambda x,u : A@x + B@u self._type = 'NLP' @property def f(self): """callable or list of array: Right hand side :math:`f(t,x,u)` of the system dynamics. The return value of this attribute depends on how the system is initialized. If it is initialized as a linear system by :py:meth:`~LQP` a list containing the arrays defining the system dynamics are returned. If the system is initalized by a possible nonlinear callable function this function is returned. Note, that even if :py:attr:`~autonomous` is True the returned funtion depends on the time and always has the form :math:`f(t,x,u)`. """ return self._f @f.setter def f(self, ff): if callable(ff): sig = signature(ff) params = sig.parameters if len(params) == 2: self._autonomous = True F = lambda t,x,u : ff(x, u) elif len(params) == 3: F = ff self._autonomous = False else: raise ValueError( 'f must have two or three input arguments - not ' + str(len(params))) elif isinstance(ff, list): for i in range(2): if not isinstance(ff[i], mpc.array): raise TypeError( 'f must be a list of array - not ' + str(type(ff[i]))) self._autonomous = True self._type = 'LQP' F = ff else: raise TypeError( 'f must be callable or list of arrays - not ' + str(type(ff))) self._f = F @property def system_type(self): """str : String defining whether the dynamics are discrete or continuous. A discrete system is defined by a difference equation .. math:: x(t_{k+1}) = f(t_k,x(t_k),u(t_k)) and a continous system is defined by the ordinary differential equation .. math:: \dot{x}(t_k)=f(t_k,x(t_k),u(t_k))). """ return self._system_type @system_type.setter def system_type(self, syst_type): if not isinstance(syst_type, str): raise TypeError( 'system type must be a string - not ' + str(type(syst_type))) if syst_type not in ['discrete', 'continuous']: raise ValueError( 'system_type must be discrete or continuous - not ' + syst_type) self._system_type = syst_type @property def h(self): """float : Sampling time :math:`h` of the system. This attribute defines at which time instances the dynamics are evaluated. This means the time :math:`t_k` is given by the equation .. math:: t_k = t_0 + kh. In addition, the control values are assumed to be constant during a sampling instance and can only be change at the times :math:`t_k`. """ return self._h @h.setter def h(self, sampling_rate): if not isinstance(sampling_rate, (float, int)): raise TypeError( 'sampling_rate must be of type integer or float - not ' + str(type(sampling_rate))) if sampling_rate > 0: self._h = sampling_rate else: raise ValueError( 'sampling rate must be greter than zero - not ' + str(sampling_rate)) @property def t0(self): """float : Initial time of the optimal control problem. The initial state :math:`x_0` is measured at time :math:`t_0`. The state :math:`x(t)` is evaluated at the time instances :math:`t_0 + kh` during the MPC loop where :math:`h` is the :py:attr:`~sampling_rate`. """ return self._t0 @t0.setter def t0(self, t_0): if not isinstance(t_0, (float, int)): raise TypeError( 't0 must be of type integer or float - not ' + str(type(t_0))) self._t0 = t_0 @property def nx(self): """int : Dimension of the state. The value of :math:`x(t)` at a given time :math:`t_k` is a element of :math:`\mathbb{R}^{nx}`. In the linear case this value equals with the dimension of the system matrix :math:`A \in \mathbb{R}^{nx \\times nx}`. """ return self._nx @nx.setter def nx(self, n_x): if not isinstance(n_x, int): raise TypeError( 'nx must be of type integer - not ' + str(type(n_x))) if n_x > 0: self._nx = n_x else: raise ValueError('nx must be grater than zero - not ' + str(n_x)) @property def nu(self): """int : Dimension of the control. The value of :math:`u(t)` at a given time :math:`t_k` is a element of :math:`\mathbb{R}^{nu}`. In the linear case this value equals with the dimension of the columns of the control matrix :math:`B \in \mathbb{R}^{nx \\times nu}`. """ return self._nu @nu.setter def nu(self, n_u): if not isinstance(n_u, int): raise TypeError( 'nu must be of type integer - not ' + str(type(n_u))) if n_u > 0: self._nu = n_u else: raise ValueError('nu must be grater than zero - not ' + str(n_u)) @property def method(self): """str : Integration method for discretization of the dynamics. The following integrators are currently supported: - from `CasADi <>`_: `cvodes`, `idas`, `collocation`, `oldcollocation` and `rk` - from `SciPy <>`_: `RK45`, `RK23`, `DOP853`, `Radau`, `BDF` and `LSODA` - from nMPyC: `rk4`, `euler` und `heun` (fixed step integration methods)""" return self._method @method.setter def method(self, meth): if not isinstance(meth, str): raise TypeError( 'method must be of type string - not ' + str(type(meth))) self._method = meth if self._method in ['cvodes', 'idas', 'collocation', 'oldcollocation', 'rk']: self._integrator = 'casadi' elif self._method in ['RK45', 'RK23', 'DOP853', 'Radau', 'BDF', 'LSODA']: self._integrator = 'scipy' elif self._method in ['rk4', 'euler', 'heun']: self._integrator = 'mpc' self._options['number_of_finit_elements'] = 1 else: raise ValueError( 'allowed methods are cvodes, idas, collocation, ' + 'oldcollocation, rk, RK45, RK23, DOP853, Radau, BDF, ' + 'LSODA, euler, heun and rk4 - not ' + meth) @property def autonomous(self): """bool : If True, the system is time-invariant. The right hand side of the dynamics :math:`f(t,x,u)` are not explicitly dependent on the time variable :math:`t`. In this case :math:`f(t,x,u)=f(x,u)` holds.""" return self._autonomous @property def type(self): """str : Indicating whether the system dynamics are linear. If `LQP`, the system dynamics are linear. The right hand side of the system dynamics is given by .. math:: f(x,u) = Ax + Bu. It also implies that the system is :py:attr:`~autonomous`. If the system dynamics are not initialized as linear with the :py:meth:`~LQP` method this attribute has the value `NLP`. """ return self._type def __str__(self): string = '' string += 'autonomous: ' + str(self._autonomous) + '\n' string += 'system type: ' + str(self._system_type) + '\n' lqp = False if self.type == 'LQP': lqp = True string += 'linear: ' + str(lqp) + '\n' string += 'sampling rate: ' + str(self._h) if self.system_type == 'continuous': string += '\n' string += 'integrator: ' + str(self.method) return string @classmethod def LQP(cls, A, B , nx, nu, system_type='discrete', sampling_rate=1., t0=0., method='euler'): """Initialize the system with linear dynamics. In this case the right hand side of the dynamics has the form : .. math:: f(x,u) = Ax+Bu which is always :py:attr:`~autonomous`. If not a fixed step method is choosen for integration the optimizer can not use the linear structure of the problem during the optimization process. Parameters ---------- A : array Matrix definig the linear state input on the right hand side of the dynamics. B : array Matrix definig the linear state input on the right hand side of the dynamics. nx : int Dimension of the state. Must be a positive integer. See also :py:attr:`~nx`. nu : int Dimension of the control. Must be a positive integer. See also :py:attr:`~nu`. system_type : str, optional String defining whether the given system dynamics are discrete or continuous. The default is 'discrete'. sampling_rate : float, optional Sampling rate defining at which time instances the dynamics are evaluated. The default is 1. t0 : float, optional Initial time for the optimal control problem. The default is 0. See also :py:attr:`~t0`. method : str, optional String defining which integration method should be used to discretize the system dynamics. The default is 'euler'. For further informations about the provided integrators see :py:attr:`~method`. Returns ------- lqp : system nMPyC-system class object suitable to define a linear quadratic optimal control problem.. """ if not isinstance(A, mpc.array): raise TypeError('A must be of type array - not ' + str(type(A))) if not A.dim == (nx,nx): raise ValueError( 'A has the wrong dimension - ' + str(A.dim) + '!=' + str((nx,nx))) if not isinstance(B, mpc.array): raise TypeError('B must be of type array - not ' + str(type(B))) if not B.dim == (nx,nu): raise ValueError( 'B has the wrong dimension - ' + str(B.dim) + '!=' + str((nx,nu))) if A.symbolic: raise ValueError( 'A has to be purely numeric, but also has symbolic entries') if B.symbolic: raise ValueError( 'B has to be purely numeric, but also has symbolic entries') lqp = cls([A,B], nx, nu, system_type, sampling_rate, t0, method) return lqp def set_integratorOptions(self, options): """Set options for the integration method. Parameters ---------- options : dict Dictionary containing the keywords of the required options and their values. The available options are depending on the choosen :py:attr:`~method` of integration. For the nMPyC integrators the only available option is `number_of_finit_elements` which must be an int greater than zero and defines how many discretation steps are computed during one sampling period defined by the sampling rate. The available options for the CasADi integrators can be found at `Sourceforge <>`_ and for the SciPy integrators at the `Scipy documentation <>`_. """ if not isinstance(options, dict): raise TypeError( 'options must be of type dictionary - not ' + str(type(options))) self._options = options if self._type == 'LQP' and self._system_type == 'continuous': if self._method in ['rk4', 'euler', 'heun']: self._f[0] = self._A self._f[1] = self._B self._discretizeLQP() @mpc_convert def system_discrete(self, t, x, u): """Evaluate discretized right hand side of the system dynamics. Parameters ---------- t : float Time instant at which the system dynamics are evaluated. x : array State value at which the system dynamics are evaluated. u : array Control value at which the system dynamics are evaluated. Returns ------- array Value of the discretized right hand side of the dynamics evaluated at the given inputs. """ if self._system_type == 'discrete': return self.system(t, x, u) else: if self._type == 'LQP': return self._f_linear(x, u) if self._integrator == 'casadi': return self._solve_ode_casadi(t, x, u) if self._integrator == 'scipy': return self._solve_ode_scipy(t, x, u) if self._integrator == 'mpc': if self._method == 'rk4': return self._solve_ode_rk4(t, x, u) elif self._method == 'euler': return self._solve_ode_euler(t, x, u) elif self._method == 'heun': return self._solve_ode_heun(t, x, u) @mpc_convert def _f_linear(self, x, u): y = self._f[0]@x + self._f[1]@u return y @mpc_convert def system(self, t, x, u): """Evaluate right hand side :math:`f(t,x,u)` of the dynamics. Parameters ---------- t : float Time instant at which the system dynamics are evaluated. x : array State value at which the system dynamics are evaluated. u : array Control value at which the system dynamics are evaluated. Returns ------- array Value of the possible not discrete right hand side of the dynamics evaluated at the given inputs. """ if self.type == 'NLP': return self._f(t,x,u) else: return self._f[0]@x + self._f[1]@u def _solve_ode_casadi(self, t, x, u): # Define symbolic variables for writing down the differential equation xx = cas.MX.sym('x', self._nx) uu = cas.MX.sym('u', self._nu) # Declare the ODE in casadi style ode = {} ode['x'] = xx ode['p'] = uu tt = cas.MX.sym('t') xdot = self.system(tt, xx, uu)._A ode['t'] = tt ode['ode'] = xdot # Set the integrator options integr_opts = {} integr_opts.update(self._options) integr_opts['t0'] = t integr_opts['tf'] = t + self._h # Construct a Function to solve the ODE over a timestep dt F = cas.integrator('F', self._method, ode, integr_opts) # Solve the ODE x0 = mpc.convert(x) u = mpc.convert(u) res = F(x0=x0, p=u) y = mpc.array(res["xf"]) return y def _solve_ode_scipy(self, t, x, u): def f(t,z): return mpc.convert(self.system(t,z,u), 'numpy').flatten() z0 = mpc.convert(x,'numpy').flatten() sol = solve_ivp(f, [t,t+self._h], z0, method=self._method) y = mpc.array(sol.y[:,-1]) return y def _solve_ode_rk4(self, t, x, u): steps = self._options['number_of_finit_elements'] # number of steps tk = t dt = self._h/steps # time step = sampling rate/steps x_next = mpc.array(x) # copy x # Runge-Kutta 4 integration for i in range(steps): k1 = self.system(tk, x_next, u) k2 = self.system(tk + dt/2, x_next + k1*(dt/2), u) k3 = self.system(tk + dt/2, x_next + k2*(dt/2), u) k4 = self.system(tk + dt, x_next + k3*dt, u) x_next = x_next + (k1 + k2*2 + k3*2 + k4)*(dt/6) tk += dt return x_next def _solve_ode_euler(self, t, x, u): steps = self._options['number_of_finit_elements'] tk = t dt = self.h/steps x_next = mpc.array(x) for i in range(steps): x_next = x_next + self.system(tk, x_next, u) * dt tk += dt return x_next def _solve_ode_heun(self, t, x, u): steps = self._options['number_of_finit_elements'] tk = t dt = self._h/steps x_next = mpc.array(x) for i in range(steps): xx = x_next + self.system(tk, x_next, u) * dt x_next = (x_next + (xx + self.system(tk + dt, xx, u)*dt))*0.5 tk += dt return x_next def _discretizeLQP(self): if self._method == 'euler': steps = self._options['number_of_finit_elements'] dt = self.h/steps A_euler = self._f[0]*dt B_euler = self._f[1]*dt A = mpc.eye(self._nx) B = mpc.zeros((self._nx,self._nu)) for i in range(steps): B = B + A@B_euler A = A + A@A_euler self.f[0] = A self.f[1] = B if self._method == 'heun': steps = self._options['number_of_finit_elements'] dt = self.h/steps A_k1 = self._f[0] B_k1 = self._f[1] A_k2 = self._f[0] + self._f[0]*dt@ A_k1 B_k2 = self._f[0]*dt @ B_k1 + self._f[1] A_heun = (A_k1 + A_k2)*(dt/2) B_heun = (B_k1 + B_k2)*(dt/2) A = mpc.eye(self._nx) B = mpc.zeros((self._nx,self._nu)) for i in range(steps): B = B + A@B_heun A = A + A@A_heun self.f[0] = A self.f[1] = B elif self.method == 'rk4': steps = self._options['number_of_finit_elements'] dt = self.h/steps A_k1 = self._f[0] B_k1 = self._f[1] A_k2 = self._f[0] + self._f[0]@A_k1*(dt/2) B_k2 = self._f[0]@B_k1*(dt/2) + self._f[1] A_k3 = self._f[0] + self._f[0] @ A_k2*(dt/2) B_k3 = self._f[0]@B_k2*(dt/2) + self._f[1] A_k4 = self._f[0] + self._f[0] @ A_k3 * dt B_k4 = self._f[0]@B_k3*dt + self._f[1] A_rk4 = (A_k1 + A_k2*2 + A_k3*2 + A_k4)*(dt/6) B_rk4 = (B_k1 + B_k2*2 + B_k3*2 + B_k4)*(dt/6) A = mpc.eye(self._nx) B = mpc.zeros((self._nx,self._nu)) for i in range(steps): B = B + A@B_rk4 A = A + A@A_rk4 self.f[0] = A self.f[1] = B def save(self, path): """Saving the system to a given file with `dill <>`_. The path can be absolut or relative and the ending of the file is arbitrary. Parameters ---------- path : str String defining the path to the desired file. For example >>>'system.pickle') will create a file `system.pickle` containing the nMPyC system object. """ with open(path, "wb") as output_file: dill.dump(self, output_file, -1) @classmethod def load(cls, path): """Loads a nMPyC system object from a file. The specified path must lead to a file that was previously saved with :py:meth:`~save`. Parameters ---------- path : str String defining the path to the file containing the nMPyC system object. For example >>> system.load('system.pickle') will load the system previously saved with :py:meth:`~save`. """ try: with open(path, "rb") as input_file: e = dill.load(input_file) except: raise Exception( 'Can not load system from file. File not readable!') if not isinstance(e, system): raise Exception( 'Can not load system from file. File does not cotain a system!') return e