Source code for nmpyc.result

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# @author: Jonas Schiessl

import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from import Iterable
import dill

import nmpyc as mpc

[docs] class result: """ Class used to store the simulation results of the MPC simulation. To obtain the individual components of the simulation, such as closed loop and open loop results, the individual attributes need to be called. Also the result object contains information about errors and other solver statistics, which can be used for further investigation of the simulation progress. Additionally, this class provides a way to visualize the results in a suitable way with the :py:meth:`~plot` method. Parameters ---------- x0 : array Initial state. t0 : float Initial time. h : float Sampling rate. N : int MPC horizon. K : int Number of MPC Interations. """ def __init__(self, x0, t0, h, N, K): self._t0 = t0 self._x0 = x0 self._t = t0 self._h = h self._N = N self._K = K self._KK = K self._x_cl = [] self._u_cl = [] self._l_cl = [] self._t_cl = [] self._x_ol = [] self._u_ol = [] self._l_ol = [] self._t_ol = [] self._solver = None self._success = True self._error = None self._time = None self._time_ol = [] self._default_kwargs = dict(xk = None, uk = None, iters = None, show_ol = False, phase1 = None, phase2 = None, dpi = 100, figsize = [8., 6.], usetex = True, fontsize = 14., grid = True, linewidth = 2., show_legend = True) @property def t0(self): """float : Initial time""" return self._t0 @property def x0(self): """numpy.ndarray : Initial state.""" return self._x0.A @property def sampling_rate(self): """float : Sampling rate.""" return self._h @property def N(self): """int : MPC horizon""" return self._N @property def sucessfull_itertaions(self): """int : Number of succesfull MPC iterations.""" return self._KK @property def x_cl(self): """numpy.ndarray : Closed loop trajectory.""" return self._x_cl.A @property def u_cl(self): """numpy.ndarray : Closed loop feedback.""" return self._u_cl.A @property def l_cl(self): """numpy.ndarray : Stage costs evaluated at the closed loop trajectory and feedback.""" return self._l_cl.A @property def t_cl(self): """numpy.ndarray : Time sequence at which the closed loop states and controls are evaluated.""" return self._t_cl.A @property def x_ol(self): """list of numpy.ndarrays : List containing the open loop trajectories of all MPC itertaions.""" return self._x_ol @property def u_ol(self): """list of numpy.ndarrays : List containing the open loop optimal control values of all MPC itertaions.""" return self._u_ol @property def l_ol(self): """list of numpy.ndarrays : List containing the stage costs evaluated at the open loop trajectories and controls of all MPC itertaions.""" return self._l_ol @property def t_ol(self): """list of numpy.ndarrays : List containing the time sequences at which the closed loop states and controls are evaluated in the open loop simulations.""" return self._t_ol @property def solver(self): """str : Name of the choosen optimization method.""" return self._solver @property def succes(self): """bool : True if the solver converged sucessfully in all MPC itertaions, false if the MPC loop abort prematurely.""" return self._succes @property def error(self): """str : Error message with which the solver failed. If success is True error is None.""" return self._error @property def ellapsed_time(self): """float : Total ellapsed time for the closed loop simulation.""" return self._time @property def ellapsed_time_per_itertaion(self): """list of float : List containing the ellapsed time of every single itertaion of the closed loop simulation.""" return self._time_ol def __str__(self): string = '' string += 'solver: ' + str(self._solver) + '\n' string += 'success: ' + str(self._success) + '\n' string += ('succesfull iterations: ' + str(self._K) + ' of ' + str(self._KK) + '\n') string += 'ellapsed time: ' + str(self._time) + '\n' string += 'x0: ' + str(self._x0.flatten()) + '\n' string += 't0: ' + str(self._t0) + '\n' string += 'h: ' + str(self._h) + '\n' string += 'N: ' + str(self._N) + '\n' string += 'x_cl: ' + str(self._x_cl) + '\n' string += 'u_cl: ' + str(self._u_cl) + '\n' string += 'l_cl: ' + str(self._l_cl.flatten()) return string def _add_iteration(self, x, u, l): t = mpc.array(np.arange(self._t, self._t + (self._N + 1)*self._h - (self._h/2), self._h)) self._t_ol += [t] self._t += self._h self._x_ol += [x] self._u_ol += [u] self._l_ol += [l] def _init_cl(self, t_end, x_end): for i in range(self._K): self._x_cl += [list(mpc.convert(self._x_ol[i][:,0], 'numpy').flatten())] self._u_cl += [list(mpc.convert(self._u_ol[i][:,0], 'numpy').flatten())] self._t_cl += [self._t_ol[i][0]] self._l_cl += [self._l_ol[i][0]] self._x_cl += [list(mpc.convert(x_end, 'numpy').flatten())] self._t_cl += [t_end] self._x_cl = mpc.array(self._x_cl).T self._u_cl = mpc.array(self._u_cl).T self._t_cl = mpc.array(self._t_cl) self._l_cl = mpc.array(self._l_cl) try: self._default_kwargs['xk'] = range(1, len(self._x_cl[:,0]) + 1) self._default_kwargs['uk'] = range(1, len(self._u_cl[:,0]) + 1) self._default_kwargs['iters'] = range(1, self._K + 1) except: self._default_kwargs['xk'] = [] self._default_kwargs['uk'] = [] def show_errors(self): """Shows the errors that occurred during the simualtion. For example, if the solver ipopt was selected and the defined optimal control problem is infeasible, this method will print out the message | *An error occured during itertaion 1 of 100:* | *Error in Opti::solve [OptiNode] at .../casadi/core/optistack.cpp:159:* | *.../casadi/core/optistack_internal.cpp:999: Assertion "return_success(accept_limit)" failed:* | *Solver failed. You may use opti.debug.value to investigate the latest values of variables. return_status is 'Infeasible_Problem_Detected'* For more informations about the error messages take a look at the documentation of the respective solver. If the simulation was completly succesfull, the message | *No error occured during the MPC-Loop* will be printed out. """ if self._success: print('No error occured during the MPC-Loop.') else: print('An error occured during itertaion ' + str(self._K + 1) + ' of ' + str(self._KK) + ':') print(self._error) def plot(self, *args, **kwargs): """Plot the results of the MPC simulation. If no argument is passed, by default the closed loop states and controls are plotted seperated in two subplots. If only a specific component of the solution should be plotted, this can be customized by using a string as the first argument. Valid arguments for this are - `state` for only plotting the closed loop state trajectories - `control` for only plotting the closed loop control values - `cost` for plotting the stage costs evaluated at the closed loop results - `phase` for plotting a phase portrait of two components of the solution. Further adjustments can be made with the help of the following keyword arguments. +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------+-------------------+ | Argument | Description | Default value | +======================+=================================================+===================+ |xk | List specifying which components of the state | `[1,...,nx]` | | | | | | | are plotted. | | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------+-------------------+ |uk | List specifying which components of the control | `[1,...,nu]` | | | | | | | are plotted. | | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------+-------------------+ |show_ol |If True, the open loop simulation rersults are | True | | | | | | |also plotted additionaly to the closed loop | | | | | | | |results. | | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------+-------------------+ |iters |List indicating from which iteration on the open | `[1,...,K+1]` | | | | | | |loop results should be plotted. | | | | | | | |Will be ignored if show_ol is False. | | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------+-------------------+ |usetex |If True, the captions are displayed in TEX style.| True | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------+-------------------+ |grid |If True, a grid is displayed in the background | True | | | | | | |of the plot. | | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------+-------------------+ |show_legend |If True, a legend will be displayed inside | True | | | | | | |the plot. | | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------+-------------------+ |phase1 |Phase 1 of the phase portrait plot. | None | | | | | | |Has the form `x_k` or `u_k`, where `k` determines| | | | | | | |the respective component. | | | | | | | |Will be ignored if args!='phase'. | | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------+-------------------+ |phase2 |Phase 2 of the phase portrait plot. | None | | | | | | |Has the form `x_k` or `u_k`, where `k` determines| | | | | | | |the respective component. | | | | | | | |Will be ignored if args!='phase'. | | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------+-------------------+ |dpi |resolution of the figure, see | 100 | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------+-------------------+ |figsize |The size of the figure. | [8., 6.] | | | | | | |Has the form [width, height] in inches. | | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------+-------------------+ |linewidth |Set the line width in points. | 2. | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------+-------------------+ |fontsize |The font size of the annotations. | 14. | | | | | | |If the value is numeric the size will be the | | | | | | | |absolute font size in points. | | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------+-------------------+ """ if self._default_kwargs['xk'] == []: print('Cant plot anything because there is' + ' no successfull itertaion stored.') return for item in kwargs.keys(): if item not in self._default_kwargs.keys(): raise KeyError() options = self._default_kwargs.copy() options.update(kwargs) if isinstance(options['xk'], int): options['xk'] = [options['xk']] if not isinstance(options['xk'], Iterable): raise TypeError('xk must be an integer or iterable') if isinstance(options['uk'], int): options['uk'] = [options['uk']] if not isinstance(options['uk'], Iterable): raise TypeError('uk must be an integer or iterable') if isinstance(options['iters'], int): options['iters'] = [options['iters']] if not isinstance(options['iters'], Iterable): raise TypeError('iters must be an integer or iterable') for item in options['xk']: if item not in self._default_kwargs['xk']: raise ValueError( 'Value ' + str(item) + ' of xk is out of range.') for item in options['uk']: if item not in self._default_kwargs['uk']: raise ValueError( 'Value ' + str(item) + ' of uk is out of range.') for item in options['iters']: if item not in self._default_kwargs['iters']: raise ValueError( 'Value ' + str(item) + ' of iters is out of range.') dimsx = [x-1 for x in options['xk']] dimsu = [x-1 for x in options['uk']] iters = [x-1 for x in options['iters']] plt.rcParams.update({ "text.usetex": options['usetex'], "": "sans-serif", "font.sans-serif": ["Helvetica"], "font.size": options['fontsize']}) if len(args) == 0: key = 'cl' elif len(args) == 1: if args[0] == 'state': key = 'x_' elif args[0] == 'control': key = 'u_' elif args[0] == 'phase': key = 'phase_' elif args[0] == 'cost': key = 'l_' else: raise ValueError() if options['show_ol']: key += 'ol' else: key += 'cl' if key == 'cl': if options['usetex']: ylabelx = r'\textbf{state}' ylabelu = r'\textbf{control}' xlabel = r'\textbf{time}' title = r'\textbf{Closed Loop}' else: ylabelx = 'state' ylabelu = 'control' xlabel = 'time' title = 'Close Loop' fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, tight_layout=True, sharex=True, figsize=options['figsize'], dpi=options['dpi']) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace = 0.2) for i in dimsx: if options['usetex']: label = r'$x_' + str(i + 1) + '$' else: label = 'x_' + str(i + 1) ax1.plot(self._t_cl, self._x_cl[i,:], label=label, linewidth=options['linewidth']) ax1.set_ylabel(ylabelx) ax1.grid(options['grid']) if options['show_legend']: ax1.legend() for i in dimsu: if options['usetex']: label = r'$u_' + str(i + 1) + '$' else: label = 'u_' + str(i + 1) ax2.step(self._t_cl[:-1], self._u_cl[i, :], where='post', label=label, linewidth=options['linewidth']) ax2.set_ylabel(ylabelu) ax2.grid(options['grid']) if options['show_legend']: ax2.legend() ax2.set_xlabel(xlabel) fig.suptitle(title) fig.align_ylabels((ax1, ax2)) elif key == 'x_cl': if options['usetex']: ylabelx = r'\textbf{state}' xlabel = r'\textbf{time}' title = r'\textbf{Closed Loop States}' else: ylabelx = 'state' xlabel = 'time' title = 'Close Loop States' fig, (ax1) = plt.subplots(1, 1, tight_layout=True, figsize=options['figsize'], dpi=options['dpi']) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace = 0.5) for i in dimsx: if options['usetex']: label = r'$x_' + str(i + 1) + '$' else: label = 'x_' + str(i + 1) ax1.plot(self._t_cl, self._x_cl[i, :], label=label, linewidth=options['linewidth']) ax1.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax1.set_ylabel(ylabelx) if options['show_legend']: ax1.legend() ax1.grid(options['grid']) fig.suptitle(title) elif key == 'u_cl': if options['usetex']: ylabelu = r'\textbf{control}' xlabel = r'\textbf{time}' title = r'\textbf{Closed Loop Controls}' else: ylabelu = 'control' xlabel = 'time' title = 'Closed Loop Controls' fig, (ax1) = plt.subplots(1, 1, tight_layout = True, figsize = options['figsize'], dpi = options['dpi']) for i in dimsu: if options['usetex']: label = r'$u_' + str(i + 1) + '$' else: label = 'u_' + str(i + 1) ax1.step(self._t_cl[:-1], self._u_cl[i, :], where = 'post', label = label, linewidth = options['linewidth']) ax1.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax1.set_ylabel(ylabelu) if options['show_legend']: ax1.legend() ax1.grid(options['grid']) fig.suptitle(title) elif key == 'x_ol': nx = len(self._x_cl[:,0]) if options['usetex']: xlabel = r'\textbf{time}' title = r'\textbf{Open Loop States}' else: xlabel = 'time' title = 'Open Loop States' fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(dimsx), 1, sharex=True, tight_layout = True, figsize = options['figsize'], dpi = options['dpi']) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace = 0.2) if nx == 1: ax = (ax,) j = 0 for k in dimsx: if options['usetex']: label = r'$x_' + str(k + 1) + '$' ylabelx = r'$\mathbf{x_' + str(k + 1) + '}$' else: label = 'x_' + str(k + 1) ylabelx = 'x_' + str(k + 1) for i in iters: ax[j].plot(self._t_ol[i], self._x_ol[i][k, :], label = label, color = 'grey', linewidth = options['linewidth']) ax[j].plot(self._t_cl, self._x_cl[k, :], 'o-', alpha = 0.3, label = label, color = 'b', linewidth = options['linewidth']) ax[j].set_ylabel(ylabelx) ax[j].grid(options['grid']) j += 1 ax[-1].set_xlabel(xlabel) fig.suptitle(title) fig.align_ylabels(ax) elif key == 'u_ol': nu = len(self._u_cl[:, 0]) if options['usetex']: xlabel = r'\textbf{time}' title = r'\textbf{Open Loop States}' else: xlabel = 'time' title = 'Open Loop Controls' fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(dimsu), 1, sharex = True, tight_layout = True, figsize = options['figsize'], dpi = options['dpi']) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace = 0.2) if nu == 1: ax = (ax,) j = 0 for k in dimsu: if options['usetex']: label = r'$u_' + str(k + 1) + '$' ylabelu = r'$\mathbf{u_' + str(k + 1) + '}$' else: label = 'u_' + str(k + 1) ylabelu = 'u_' + str(k + 1) for i in iters: ax[j].step(self._t_ol[i][:-1], self._u_ol[i][k, :], where = 'post', label = label, color = 'grey', linewidth = options['linewidth']) ax[j].step(self._t_cl[:-1], self._u_cl[k, :], 'o-', alpha = 0.3, where = 'post', label = label, color = 'b', linewidth = options['linewidth']) ax[j].set_ylabel(ylabelu) ax[j].grid(options['grid']) j += 1 ax[-1].set_xlabel(xlabel) fig.suptitle(title) fig.align_ylabels(ax) elif key == 'l_cl': if options['usetex']: xlabel = r'\textbf{time}' ylabel = r'$\mathbf{\ell (x,u)}$' title = r'\textbf{Closed Loop Costs}' else: xlabel = 'time' ylabel = 'l(x,u)' title = 'Closed Loop Costs' fig, (ax1) = plt.subplots(1, 1, tight_layout = True, figsize = options['figsize'], dpi = options['dpi']) ax1.plot(self._t_cl[:-1], self._l_cl, linewidth = options['linewidth']) ax1.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax1.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax1.grid(options['grid']) fig.suptitle(title) elif key == 'l_ol': if options['usetex']: xlabel = r'\textbf{time}' ylabel = r'$\mathbf{\ell (x,u)}$' title = r'\textbf{Open Loop Costs}' else: xlabel = 'time' ylabel = 'l(x,u)' title = 'Open Loop Costs' fig, (ax1) = plt.subplots(1, 1, tight_layout = True, figsize = options['figsize'], dpi = options['dpi']) for i in iters: ax1.plot(self._t_ol[i][:-1], self._l_ol[i], color='grey') ax1.plot(self._t_cl[:-1], self._l_cl, 'o-', alpha = 0.3, color = 'b', linewidth = options['linewidth']) ax1.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax1.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax1.grid(options['grid']) fig.suptitle(title) elif key == 'phase_cl': phase = (kwargs['phase1'], kwargs['phase2']) if options['usetex']: xlabel = r'$\mathbf{' + phase[0] + '}$' ylabel = r'$\mathbf{' + phase[1] + '}$' title = (r'$\mathbf{' + phase[0] + '-' + phase[1] + '~Closed~Loop' + '~Portrait' + '}$') else: xlabel = phase[0] ylabel = phase[1] title = (phase[0] + '-' + phase[1] + ' Closed Loop' + ' Portrait') if phase[0][0] == 'u' or phase[1][0] == 'u': T = self._K else: T = self._K + 1 x = [] for i in range(2): if phase[i][1] != '_': raise ValueError() if phase[i][0] == 'x': k = int(phase[i][2:]) x += [self._x_cl[k-1, :T]] if phase[i][0] == 'u': k = int(phase[i][2:]) x += [self._u_cl[k-1, :]] fig, (ax1) = plt.subplots(1, 1, tight_layout = True, figsize = options['figsize'], dpi = options['dpi']) ax1.plot(x[0], x[1], linewidth = options['linewidth']) ax1.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax1.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax1.grid(options['grid']) fig.suptitle(title) elif key == 'phase_ol': phase = (kwargs['phase1'], kwargs['phase2']) if options['usetex']: xlabel = r'$\mathbf{' + phase[0] + '}$' ylabel = r'$\mathbf{' + phase[1] + '}$' title = (r'$\mathbf{' + phase[0] + '-' + phase[1] + '~Open~Loop' + '~Portrait' + '}$') else: xlabel = phase[0] ylabel = phase[1] title = phase[0] + '-' + phase[1] + ' Open Loop' + ' Portrait' x = [] if phase[0][0] == 'u' or phase[1][0] == 'u': T1 = self._N T2 = self._K else: T1 = self._N + 1 T2 = self._K + 1 fig, (ax1) = plt.subplots(1, 1, tight_layout = True, figsize = options['figsize'], dpi = options['dpi']) for j in iters: for i in range(2): if phase[i][1] != '_': raise ValueError() if phase[i][0] == 'x': k = int(phase[i][2:]) x += [self._x_ol[j][k - 1, :T1]] if phase[i][0] == 'u': k = int(phase[i][2:]) x += [self.u_ol[j][k - 1, :]] ax1.plot(x[0], x[1], color = 'grey', linewidth = options['linewidth']) x = [] for i in range(2): if phase[i][0] == 'x': k = int(phase[i][2:]) x += [self._x_cl[k - 1, :T2]] if phase[i][0] == 'u': k = int(phase[i][2:]) x += [self._u_cl[k - 1, :]] ax1.plot(x[0], x[1], 'o-', alpha = 0.3, color = 'b', linewidth = options['linewidth']) ax1.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax1.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax1.grid(options['grid']) fig.suptitle(title) def save(self, path): """Saving the result to a given file with `dill <>`_. The path can be absolut or relative and the ending of the file is arbitrary. Parameters ---------- path : str String defining the path to the desired file. For example >>>'result.pickle') will create a file `result.pickle` containing the nMPyC result object. """ with open(path, "wb") as output_file: dill.dump(self, output_file, -1) @classmethod def load(cls, path): """Loads a nMPyC result object from a file. The specified path must lead to a file that was previously saved with :py:meth:`~save`. Parameters ---------- path : str String defining the path to the file containing the nMPyC result object. For example >>> result.load('result.pickle') will load the result previously saved with :py:meth:`~save`. """ try: with open(path, "rb") as input_file: e = dill.load(input_file) except: raise Exception( 'Can not load result from file. File not readable!') if not isinstance(e, result): raise Exception( 'Can not load result from file. File does not cotain a result!') return e